絵の世界へようこそ 販売会員募集中







全て3,000px × 1,688pxの写真素材の全26種。

I have created photographic materials for temples that can be used in manga and illustrations, so I will introduce them.

This is a photo set of a temple called Jorenji, which has the third largest Buddha (there are various theories) in Japan called Tokyo Daibutsu.

This set includes a gate, 2 types of money boxes, a roof, stairs, a large gate (Tamon Tenson statue, Hirota Tenson statue), a monument, 4 types of temples, a Chozuya, a dragon of the Chozuya, 2 types of principal idols, an object, and the Great Buddha of Tokyo ( Front, left and right, back) 4 types, votive tablet.

All 26 types of 3,000px x 1,688px photo materials.



“【商用可資料】寺の漫画背景写真セット!” の口コミを投稿します

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