この白地図セットの内容は、アフリカ大陸(国境線あり/なし)2種、東アフリカ地域(国境線あり/なし)2種、ブルンジ共和国(州境線あり/なし)2種、コモロ連合 1種、ジブチ共和国(州境線あり/なし)2種、エリトリア(州境線あり/なし)2種、エチオピア連邦民主共和国(州境線あり/なし)2種、ケニア共和国(州境線あり/なし)2種、マダガスカル共和国(州境線あり/なし)2種、マラウイ共和国(州境線あり/なし)2種、モザンビーク共和国(州境線あり/なし)2種、モーリシャス共和国(州境線あり/なし)2種、マヨット島 1種、レユニオン、ルワンダ共和国(州境線あり/なし)2種、セーシェル共和国(州境線あり/なし)の3種、ソマリア連邦共和国(州境線あり/なし)2種、南スーダン共和国(州境線あり/なし)2種、タンザニア連合共和国(州境線あり/なし)2種、ウガンダ共和国(州境線あり/なし)2種、ザンビア共和国(州境線あり/なし)2種、ジンバブエ共和国(州境線あり/なし)2種、日本版世界地図(国境線あり/なし)4種、海外版世界地図。
I have created a blank map of East Africa, so I will introduce it.
The contents of this map set include East Africa (borders line N/A)2 types, Burundi (borders line N/A)2 types, Union of Comoros 1 types, Devich (borders line N/A)2 types, Eritria (borders line N/A)2 types, Ethiopia (borders line N/A)2 types, Kenya (borders line N/A)2 types, Madagascar (borders line N/A)2 types, Malawi (borders line N/A)2 types, Mozambique (borders line N/A)2 types, Mauritius (borders line N/A)2 types, Mayotte island 1 types, Reunion 1 types, Rwanda (borders line N/A)2 types, Sesel (borders line N/A)3 types, Somalia (borders line N/A)2 types, South Sudan (borders line N/A)2 types, Tanzania (borders line N/A)2 types, Uganda (borders line N/A)2 types, Zambia (borders line N/A)2 types, Japan. 3 types of version world map (borders line N/A), 3 types of overseas version world map (borders line N/A).
All 46 types that are all transparent.
All are commercially available and transparent, so you can process and use them freely!
You can play in combination like a puzzle created in each country!